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Keep moving forward
Sometimes, even as confident or sure as you can be in your vision and goals, you can have moments of doubt, which lead you to question:...

I had never heard of the term EntrepreNurse until I tuned into the #johnsonandjohnson Notes on Nursing podcast, passed along by a nurse...

Finding Your Path
Although the ritual of welcoming the New Year may feel like it's wearing off, and the newness of a fresh start may start to wane, it's...

Innovation truly seems to be the buzzword in healthcare right now, especially as it pertains to nurses. Although the concept of...

It's Official! A Special Edition Preview
Humbly and with great excitement, I am proud to announce that my special edition preview of Visionary Nurse: 90 Days of Inspirational...

Special News!
Happy MLK Jr. Day to all! I hope you are inspired to use this day to cultivate and release the vision you've been given to influentially...

In honor of Ben Franklin's birthday (#Philly's own great innovator) - on January 17, 2019 from 2-3 pm, I had the opportunity to...

Happy New Year!
In reflecting on 2018, I am in awe of all we saw take place throughout last year, both in my personal business endeavors with Antonette...

Women In...Academia and Research
I always enjoy re-visiting resources and information from fellow visionary nurses. So with this New Year's Eve reflection, one such tool...
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Visionary Nurse Blog
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