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You're on the right track!

It's amazing (and humbling) to see the very essence of your mission and vision come to life through the opportunities that you are given, and even the societal trends that present themselves.

Although you hope to stay focused on your own accord, sometimes you need re-assurance as you move along in your own influentially visionary journey.

For me, I was recently given the opportunity to empower, encourage, and impart vision and leadership advice to a group of about 45 high school students. It was incredibly exciting, but also absolutely humbling to have the attention and space to speak to these students in the prime of their life. Not only did I have the space to invest in their future, I was honored to gain insight into their worlds.

The funny thing is, though, after the three talks I gave that day, I left the last one questioning if I made a difference. That particular class seemed a bit less expressive than the others. And, I ended - what started off as a high energy day, a little dampened. Yet, I had to trust that I did what I could and was supposed to do. And felt hopeful that if at least one person was impacted, I had achieved my goal.

Sure enough, a little later that week, I received this message as a response from the teacher who opened up her class to me:

As much as I didn't want to admit it, seeing these words provided a level of validation that reassured me that I was on the right track. If, I'm being honest with myself (and you), sometimes we need that, not to boast of ourselves, but just to keep us going at times.


As an added bonus, I also recently came across an article highlighting the Year 2020 as the Year of the Nurse. It challenges administrators and nurses to invest in the leadership skills and abilities of nurses, as a collective effort to improve healthcare and delivery of care overall. Again, what a validation to this journey I have been on as a coach and mentor for Nurses. Just when I started to question, am I on the right track.


And as if I needed more proof, I even found Day 1 of my new e-book, Visionary Nurse, ringing in my head as all these different components were coming together:

Wow - little did I know my own words would be my greatest guide!

Needless to say, I think I got the answers I was looking for. And, it's been exciting to be right where I need to be, at just the time I need to be in.


Again, I don't share these things to brag , but instead to show that we all need a little encouragement sometimes. I also truly believe we are all given an opportunity to have a positive impact within our own sphere of influence, even in the challenges. However, we also sometimes just need something, or someone, to say "you're on the right track."

So, if you're still reading, I am here to tell you, keep going, you're on the right track! I also encourage you to recognize your unique skill and vision as a tool capable of influencing others, as well as the opportunity to reach your highest potential.

And, if you find yourself stuck, or needing a helping hand, I would would like to support you on your journey in being a visionary leader. Whether through the words you find in my e-book, or booking a coaching or mentor session with me, I am here to support you, so that you can influence others. And as always, may you dare to be inspired! Dare to be a visionary leader!

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