In the pursuit of your God-given visions and dreams, the growth stage can be exhausting.
In the pursuit of your God-given visions and dreams, the growth stage can be exhausting. In the Pediatric world, we call them growth spurts. These are key moments when a child is getting ready to cross a major developmental milestone. Sometimes there can be aches and pains in this stage. Sometimes sleep is the only thing that can help the child “embrace” the rapid change that is taking place. Sometime nutrition and exercise are key to maintain stamina and energy. Whether it’s picking up more vocabulary, getting taller, more coordination, or higher level of mental processing, it's A LOT of work to grow!
In our visionary pursuits to be innovative and create something new — we are much like that as well.
In our visionary pursuits to be innovative and create something new — we are much like that as well. For some, after what may have seemed like long bouts of “nothing,” steadiness, dormancy, or areas that felt stuck, the moment a major growth change is getting ready to happen, it can be exhausting. Even though it is exciting to move at a rapid pace, to see things finally accelerating, to see areas in your life, vision, dreams, and goals start to blossom and take off, these movements and that momentum can take a toll, especially if there are still unpredictable areas. Often times, the uncertainty of how much you will grow, how fast you will grow, or how long your growth stage will last can take a toll. Especially if you have been through a longer season than others in acquiring a new skill, implementing an endeavor, or taking on a role that you’ve been waiting to step into, the intensity of your previous “waiting season” can sometimes impact the confidence and assurance you may have clung to when first starting out.
That is why it is IMPERATIVE to work in moments of balance, as well as learn to prioritize rest, in order to not only be effective for others, but also be sustainable for yourself to fully embrace the next stage you find yourself moving into.
That is why it is IMPERATIVE to work in moments of balance, as well as learn to prioritize rest, in order to not only be effective for others, but also be sustainable for yourself to fully embrace the next stage you find yourself moving into. Unfortunately, burnout comes very quickly when we try to accommodate to the demand of growth without the parameters and boundaries of rest.
As many have seen me quote several times before from a line from my book, Visionary Nurse® : 90 Days of Inspirational Musings on being Influentially Visionary -- “Your best creativity often comes from an abundance of rest.” So be open to the times when you just need to sit, process, and unwind.
Although the hunger and drive to “run your race” is needed to overcome obstacles and pitfalls, there are many moments where it is not helpful to push past that “warning light” -- the one that says, "you need to sleep, to take a break, or step away." To be honest, in some cases, it’s often fear that starts to drive us past that warning, versus wisdom and clarity. We may fear missing the mark, fear coming in last, or fear missing it again. However, we must also recognize that even in those previous moments of what may have appeared to be "perceived failure," you must give yourself some credit that you have also learned, you have grown, and you are capable of recognizing the cues need to be sustainable. So, rest assured, rest does not make you slower or decrease momentum, it actually shows that you have both matured AND grown, especially when you can intentionally recognize that “rest is best” in certain situations.
So, rest assured, rest does not make you slower or decrease momentum, it actually shows that you have both matured AND grown, especially when you can intentionally recognize that “rest is best” in certain situations.
So, allow yourself the space to think, breathe, absorb, refuel, renew, and re-stock as you walk fully into the next level you are moving into. Growth is so important, but balance is absolutely priority in this season, so that you can truly dare to be influentially visionary both now and moving forward!
Congratulations on breaking new ground! Now go rest, and get ready for the next leg of your visionary journey…
p.s. Did you hear about the Visionary Leadership and Resilience E-Course? Now available on-demand at or Teachable!