Maybe you've just started tuning into my blog. Or maybe you've been secretly reading every word all along. Either way, I'm thankful that you would join me in this journey, and I hope you are being inspired to move forward in yours!
I had an opportunity to participate in a wonderful webinar sponsored by #Pennnursingalumni with Dr. Nancy Valentine on "Mentoring and Coaching In Building a Successful Career." Dr. Valentine is a high-level coach with many accomplishments, yet has an ability to engage the audience with her wisdom in a way that leaves you feeling inspirationally visionary.
If you'd like to check out the webinar, click HERE!
What was most encouraging in her webinar was the validation she provided for WHY mentoring and coaching is important. As a coach and mentor for nurses myself, it was gratifying to know that I am in the right vein (#nopunintended) in my desire to support, motivate, and inspire other nurses to be visionary in their own mission. And though the process has not been easy, and has been a HUGE learning curve, it has been worth it to use my own passions and gifts to inspire the passions in others.
So, if you've been hesitating on whether you should consider having a coach and/or mentor in your career transition, early decisions, alternative approaches, or just plain burnout, you should. Not only does it give you the support you need, it also opens you up to be influentially visionary in your impact to others. And if you're not ready to book a session with me yet, consider getting a copy of my e-book - Visionary Nurse: 90-days of Inspirational Musings on being Influentially Visionary as a resource to inspire you along the way once it releases later this month. And don't forget, you can download a FREE preview copy when you subscribe as a member to my site. I would love to join you in daring to be truly visionary!